Free Mobile Wifi Hotspots

WCS Parents & Guardians, Willsboro Central School qualifies for a new program, ConnectED NY, which provides free mobile wifi hotspots to students with either no home internet access or unreliable home internet access. The program will provide an AT&T hotspot to each student that qualifies with free data through the end of June 2022. Teachers will send home an…

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Bond Resolution

NOTICE OF BOND RESOLUTION The resolution, a summary of which is published herewith, was adopted on January 12, 2021. The validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Willsboro Central School District is not authorized to expend money or if the…

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Sports Awards

The following document contains the announcement of the 2019-2020 Willsboro Warriors sports awards.  Each coach has written a message about their team.  All certificates and awards will be sent home in the near future.  Congratulations to all of our student-athletes, and thank you to everyone for your support of our athletics programs! Willsboro Sports Awards 2019-2020

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Important Notice Regarding Voting & Elections

On Friday, May 1, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order No. 202.26 which modifies the rule under which school districts are to conduct the 2020 annual meeting for the election of school board members and budget votes. Voting Date School board elections and budget votes will now take place on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. Manner of Voting Qualified voters…

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