WCS School Community,
WCS is excited to invite all school stakeholders (students, parents, staff, alumni, and community members) to participate in the selection of the new Willsboro Central School District mascot. Please see the information below to learn more about the selection process:
Mascot Advisory Committee
The district’s strategic planning committee, which includes members that represent students, staff, parents, alumni, and the board of education, has been tasked with serving as the mascot advisory committee. The purpose of this committee will be to review school community vote results and prepare ballots for subsequent voting rounds.
Mascot Selection Process
During each round of voting, all Willsboro CSD school community members will have the opportunity to vote using online surveys that will be published publicly on the school website and Facebook page. Voting surveys will also be emailed to current students, staff, and parents. Anyone without internet access will be able to vote in person in the district office during voting periods.
October 2-9 (Initial Suggestion Phase)
An online survey will be released that will allow all community members to share suggestions for the new mascot.
October 13-20 (First Round of Voting)
Based on the results of the initial suggestion survey, the advisory committee will compile a list of the 10 most common suggestions. Then, during this phase, all community members will have the opportunity to vote on their choice from the top 10 list.
October 24-31 (Second Round of Voting)
The advisory committee will review first-round votes and identify the top 5 vote-getters. Then, during this phase, all community members will have the opportunity to vote on their choice from the top 5 list.
November 6-17 (Final Round of Voting)
The advisory committee will identify the top 2 vote-getters from the second round of voting and publish a final survey to allow all community members to vote on the final mascot choice from the top 2. The top vote-getter will be selected as the new WCS mascot.
November 21 (New Mascot Announced) – Mascot Reveal Video
Communication During the Selection Process
Throughout the mascot selection process, updates will be provided across the district’s communication platforms. Email district@willsborocsd.org with any questions.
New Mascot Logos – Logo Reveal Video
WCS has finalized new logos for our wolf mascot!
Mascot Information